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Poisoned Chalice (Experimental Short Film) 2-32 screenshot.png

Vidhu Kota is a Writer/Director/Editor based in New York City with 6 years of experience in film & video. He has directed several independently produced short films and documentaries, has received the Honorable Mention Award for Best Short Documentary at the Yale Film Festival, and was a Quarter Finalist for Best Documentary at the Student World Impact Film Festival, for his doc “Chalte Raho”, which tells the story of the owner of an Indian clothing store, who goes through the hardships of maintaining mental peace after her husband passes away, she gets sued and gets diagnosed with cancer. 

      "As an Indian filmmaker based in New York City, I make films inspired by the duality of the two rich cultures that have shaped my life. My work reflects the complexities of being in a foreign land and the beauty that can be found in the intersections of culture and identity.
     Domestic stories that are personal, relatable, and challenge cultural stereotypes while exploring the universal themes of love, loss, and the search for a home. Inspired by the works of Lee Isaac Chung and Ramy Youssef, through my films, I provide a unique perspective and voice to the diverse and dynamic landscape of contemporary South Asian storytelling.
      I am constantly inspired by the rich tapestry of cultures that surround me.  My films reflect the duality of my own life, having been shaped by the traditions and values of my Indian heritage, while also embracing the vibrant, diverse, and dynamic landscape of my adopted home."

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